Monday, March 12, 2012

Pain Dreams

Does anyone have pain dreams?  Mine started about 6 years ago.  Lately they have become more like wicked nightmares.  When I wake up whatever was hurting or got hurt in the dream is actually hurting.  I’ve found a few things about it, but there isn’t a lot of information about it.  

I’ve also had what others describe as hallucination dreams.  They say that dreams become more like hallucinations because of the issues we have with REM sleep.  There have been several occasions where I can’t remember if I did something or if I dreamed it.  It drives me crazy.

I just want to know if this is a normal thing with Fibromyalgia or if it’s something totally nonrelated.  So if anyone knows or has experienced either kind of dream feel free to share.

I hope all is well in everyone’s world. *Gentle Hugs and Lots of Love*

1 comment:

  1. Ive been having them more & more. My husband says I wake up screaming help!
